Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind."

Okay, I know some of you don't even get the connection with the title.
FYI: It comes from an old Lettermen song.

Do You Remember?
- When Jim Boehner replaced Brother Mac's violin with a broken one?
Earl Thorton does! Earl & Joy currently live in Joliet, Illinois

- When the choir could not complete the song "It Is Well with My Soul" during a chapel service at CBC? It seems the soloist fainted during her solo.
Brother Mac Recalls. He and Sister Mac/Beth live in Maranatha Village

- When they stuffed Brother Mac into the luggage compartment on tour?
Cheryl (West) Cope was there. Cheryl & George live in Orlando, Florida

So what do you remember?
Send in your stories via the comment bar below.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember when Jim Bainer replaced Bro. Mac's violin with a broken one.

What about all the Rook games played on the RT bus?

Earl Thornton said...

Jim's name is spelled Boehner. He was from Washington