Saturday, December 15, 2007

Revivaltime Choir 1971

Here it is! Your very own picture of RT - taken early in 1971.
This is the now infamous picture with the natural -fake wood border.

We are trying to name and locate all of these and all other year RT choir members. If you know the whereabouts of any former RT members. Send in the info and HELP US!

Row One: (L to R) Joan (Fava) Brimmer, Cheryl (West) Cope, Gayle Hughes, HELP US!, Bev (Glynn) Grant, Gwynne Grostephon, Marsha Cockman, Rochelle Hawks, Karen (Davis) Wright, Nancy (Grigsby) Wallen.

Row Two: (L to R) Debbie Florence, DeAnn McFarland, Carol Crow, Vickie Risk, Lynn Albrecht, Marsha French, HELP US!, Leilani (Teter) Montagne, Beth Arters, Elaine Tyler.

Row Three: (L to R) Steve Brimmer, Gaylan Grant, John Palmer, Doug Mc Cartney, Wes Mathis, Jim Ayers, Brian Rainbow, Kenny LaBrie.

Row Four: (L to R) Don Morphis, Rick McPherson, Dwight Westover, Marty Gould, Randy Collins, Greg Cox, Tom Bougher, Jim Risner. (And of Course Brother Mac on the right!)

Not in the picture, but not forgotten: Ken Brann, Tom Drake, George Cope and Marsha Turk. Why weren't you guys in the picture?

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