Monday, December 31, 2007

December 31st Conversation with Bro Mac

Brother McLellan is feeling much better today. (PTL!)
He is following through with taking more tests and is interested in getting a second opinion about his condition.

He is so grateful that so many of you have called and prayed for him:
Ken & Norma Bowers, Steve & Marge Harris are praying in Arizona.
David & Nancy Cawston are praying in Pennsylvania.
Lowell & Becky Qualls, Steve & Joan Brimmer, Rich & Joy Neubauer are all praying in Virginia.
Gaylan & Bev Grant are praying in Texas.
Brian & Carol Rainbow are praying in North Carolina.
Ron & Kelly Woods, Ernie & Marilyn White are praying in Tennessee.
Jim & Carrie Ayers are praying in Utah - I wonder how good the connection is there?
John & Debbie Palmer, and Denette McCabe have HQ covered.
Jim & Barb Risner are praying in Springfield - now that's a good connection.
And Gloria Elliott is praying in Branson.
(You know God listens when Gloria prays!)
If only we could reach Jeannie (Suddeth) Mayo?( I hear she has God on speed dial.)

Keep praying for a miracle! We expect a great report from Bro Mac's second opinion.

Those of you who remember Lowell Qualls will want to catch up with his life's story.
Check out:

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