Friday, January 4, 2008

Okay - I'll Start. ....Somewhere in Kansas?

I think it was somewhere in Kansas. We arrived at the host church very close to the start of the service time. The set up crew had completed getting the risers and P.A. up and running in record time.

During this time, some of the choir members were trying to get dressed in the church facilities - there were never big enough restrooms for all of us!

Then Bro Mac called a warm up on the risers. We hurried to the risers and ran through portions of "The Sermon in Song". The church people were already arriving and some of them took a seat to listen in to our last minute rehearsal.

After the last note was sung, Bro Mac dismissed us for last minute preparations. As Joan (Fava) Brimmer stepped from the riser, her heal came off of her shoe.

There it was ... right there on the floor, a broken heal. Joan was hobbling, now carrying the broken shoe in her hand.

Someone had to do it. I picked up the detached heal and something struck me. (I don't think it was the spirit of C.M. Ward.)

I took the shoe from Joan, held the 2 pieces together and said out loud

No, it didn't work. And yes, Bro Mac was NOT happy.
After all the auditorium was NOT empty, we had an audience.
Yes, people were there to hear this sac-religious act.

And no one got healed that night - no one asked me to pray for them.
(I did sell a few pictures. The Natural -Fake Wood Border version.)

You know the rest of the story.
On the bus the next morning - all of us heard the "Sermon on the Bus."

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