Monday, January 28, 2008

A GOOD Report!

Brother Mac received his test results and passed with flying colors.
His bone scan showed no cancer and his cat scan showed what the Doctors believe to be a benign tumor in the liver. PTL!
He is still taking medicine to treat the cancer in his bladder, but is feeling well.
Bro Mac says he plans to send in a story or two. Watch for those on the RT Blog soon.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

News from Herb & Eve Peak

Hello Tom and Jan,

Herb found your site through the CBC Alumni Newsletter and sent it to me. I was going to go to through the blog to post my comments but decided I needed to do that on our home computer …I still need my job. I saw your email address when I went to the revivaltimememoriesblog so thought I would send our hi via your email. We had not heard about Cyril’s illness so I was checking for an update on that.

We have been in Tennessee since 1991 ….long time! We pastored the A/G church for almost six years. During that time we purchased a Baldwin dealership here in town from a sweet gentleman who wanted to retire. We thought it would make us a good “retirement” sideline, but after 9-11, the economy taking a nosedive, we had to shut it down which took a great toll on us in many ways. Mostly financially. During that time we resigned our church after a time of burnout and Herb some major health issues. In 2000 we spent a year at the A/G church in Manteo, NC, over the bridge from Nags Head . One of our SC pastor friends is there. Herb helped renovate their sound system, worked with their music, etc. We would have stayed on but living on the beach was quite expensive along with the fact our children were still in Bristol. At this point of our life we wanted to be where they were, if God was pleased with that.

We came back to Bristol in July of 2001 and after a long chain of events, a story much to long to unfold, we are now pastors of a Christian Church that for the 25 years prior to us has had an A/G pastor; he also married us in ’69. If you can follow this ….that pastor also was pastor of Glad Tidings when Herb’s family moved here in the mid-60’s. So, to say the least it was ironic to come back to the church Herb ‘s parents were/are members.

Our church, you can check out the Website,
It pulled out from the Disciples of Christ some years ago, is very eclectic in attendance, still holds to some traditional structure such as communion every Sunday but we have come to enjoy that part of the service. The pastor before us was a bit more “traditional” so we’ve taken the church some steps forward in more open worship, of course with some challenges but also with great acceptance.

Our three sons found Bristol girls who between them all have given us three grandsons (10, 8 and 5) and almost two years ago our first granddaughter. Scott is 36, Marketing President for the Wachovia bank here, Todd works for a private local business as well as serves as Herb’s associate/worship leader, whatever dad needs. And, Christopher is in management with Pepsi. We are thankful the boys have been able to be with us and share in our ministry.

It is nice to know other people enjoy “looking back” through roads traveled. I thought I might be the lone ranger on that one, or it came with getting ready to turn 60 …..ugh.

Blessings to you all.

Evelyn and Herb

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Test Results come in Thursday - January 24

I talked with Brother Mac - he is feeling good and shared this information:
He will get his test results back on Thursday and have a consultation with his doctor for the next step. We should know what that is, by Friday the 25th.
(We didn't talk long - it was time for a violin lesson.)
So choir, we must continue to pray for a Miracle!

Someone asked me "When are you OUT of RT?" There is a simple answer, once you're IN, only Heaven can get you OUT. And I understand that there are risers being set up now, for a very special broadcast ... Across the Heavens and Around the Throne. Brother Beam is there getting everything prepared. C.M. Ward is waiting in the wings.

FYI: I also spoke with Darlene Betzer, I know that Fort Meyers is praying today for Bro. Mac. We hope to hear from Pastor Dan Betzer via the Blog in the very near future!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Here is the 1972 RT Guy's Suit

The car is a '72 Nova - now somewhere in Colorado.
This RT suit was last seen in Sri Lanka.
It had a flap button pocket, with a belt in the back, and flair pants.
Is this starting to sound like an ad in TravelSmith?
(The guy in the picture sure needs a haircut.)
Notice the 2 tone shoes - BTW predating Carman.
Does anyone have a picture of this choir?
We seem to remember the ladies in orange dresses. (T&J)
Posted by Picasa

There's Room On This Blog For YOU!

Calling ALL RT Choir Members -
We need your updated information!
This blog will be a great place to let everyone know what you are doing and where you live. Tell us about your kids and your dogs - we want to know what you've been up to.

FYI: We are in the formative stages of planning a "Revivaltime Choir Reunion Party" at the next General Council in Orlando - Summer 2009. This would be another night to get together (before or after the CBC Reunion) for all of the RT kids at a hotel or... a church - George & Cheryl can you give us some direction?
(Did I say "kids"? ... Well this kid is now 56.)
Please - Tell us what you think about this idea. (T&J)

We also need your e-mail addresses.
Send those to:

Friday, January 18, 2008

Brenda Nowicki has been FOUND!

Brenda here (hey, and you actually got the last name spelled correctly...Nowicki...and for that you should win a prize) 2nd row...2nd from the right. When I went home for the summer I was invited to tour with the Spurlows and Festival of Praise, a couple weeks ended up being a couple of years, so I never actually returned to CBC or Revivaltime, though I still have very fond memories of my time there, and have run into several old RT members throughout the years. In fact, Sharon McGee and I shared an apartment briefly when I was offered a position at TV-38 in Chicago. But she took off to get married...Hey, out there??? Kasi, I remember you as being very kind and loads of fun to be catch us up on how you are doing since RT days!

Brenda - Thanks for coming down to the long, long altar. You too have won an expense paid tour of GPH and HQ. And One FREE Violin lesson from Brother Mac. You'll have to get to Springfield on your own - Sorry. (T&J)

1976-1977 Choir Members by Kasi Pierce

Kasi said...
I can name most of them!! Do I win a prize??
Yes, Kasi you have won a fantastic prize! See the infamous natural fake-wood border picture of RT '71-'72 - It's yours FREE! Just go to older posts section on this blog and print off your copy today! Kasi thanks for the info. (T&J)

Here's what Kasi remembers:

4th Row L-R: Steve Baker, ??, Roger Griepp, Byron Simar, Don Jonker, Jim Lyman, Bob Novak, Jay Dickerson, Rick Serbin
3rd Row L-R: Steve O’Brien, Jim Steffens, ??, Larry Scalfri, Phil Duncan, Roger Call, Maury Stout, Ron Crawford, Greg Tucker, Alan Henderson
2nd Row L-R: Joy Chasteen, Hannah Breithaupt, Cindy Neer, Sue Lehmann, ??, Sharon McGee, Beth??, Brenda Nowicki, ??
FRONT Row L-R: Bro. Mac, Debbie??, Esther??, Kasi Pierce (ME!!), Judy Flathers, ??, SueAnn??, Rhonda??, Laurie Collins, Gayle Massaro

Kasi also asked us...
And who is Mrs. Larry Nowicki???

Kasi - Thanks for your help!
We don't know who Mrs Larry Nowicki is either.
We only report what you guys tell us! See post below. (Tom & Jan)


Does anyone know the ?? people? Help us please!
And what about a picture of the choir you were in? Send in a photo, please!
Send in your offering today to:
Box 70,
Springfield, Missouri. 65801
(This is your narrator Lee Shultz)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

E-Mail from Mrs Larry Nowicki

Trust you received the 76/77 Revivaltime choir photo we sent. Now that I have a moment to breathe, I'll tell you being in RT was a great and very memorable experience.

A funny thing happened on the way to Texas during our tour. Traveling through the state of Oklahoma, I made the comment, "People actually have to LIVE here?" We laughed and laughed, but I guess the real joke was on me, when several years later my husband and I were prompted to move to the Tulsa area. We've been here since '91, and have no plans to leave any time soon. Thanks, Bro. Mac for introducing me to a land where the Lord would later lead me into...funny how some things turn out!
Mrs Larry Nowiki RT 1976-1977
WHO IS MRS LARRY NOWICKI? That is the $24,000 question.

Revivaltime Choir 1976-1977

This photo was sent in by Mrs Larry Nowiki.
Now, who can help us name all of these choir members? Posted by Picasa
Here's what Kasi Pierce remembers:
4th Row L-R: Steve Baker, ??, Roger Griepp, Byron Simar, Don Jonker, Jim Lyman, Bob Novak, Jay Dickerson, Rick Serbin
3rd Row L-R: Steve O’Brien, Jim Steffens, ??, Larry Scalfri, Phil Duncan, Roger Call, Maury Stout, Ron Crawford, Greg Tucker, Alan Henderson
2nd Row L-R: Joy Chasteen, Hannah Breithaupt, Cindy Neer, Sue Lehmann, ??, Sharon McGee, Beth??, Brenda Nowicki, ??
FRONT Row L-R: Bro. Mac, Debbie??, Esther??, Kasi Pierce (ME!!), Judy Flathers, ??, SueAnn??, Rhonda??, Laurie Collins, Gayle Massaro
Okay, we need your help! who can help us with the ?? people?
(Ladies please share your maiden name too - Thanks.)
And keep those cards and letters coming in! We want the picture of your choir too!
There's Room On This Blog For YOU!

A Note from Shawn Baker - RT 1992

Hello...Just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for Brother Mac...if you could let him know how much of an impact that he had on my life....I was with the choir in its last year in 1992 and the memories I had of our tours are a blessing to my children and members of my praise and worship band...Thanks and God Bless,Shawn Baker

FYI: Anyone can add a comment by clicking on the comment bar.
And keep sending in the choir pictures and stories.
The choir of '76 - '77 picture will be up soon.

Friday, January 11, 2008

FYI: Poll Additions

I had to delete the first polls and the totals in order to add the 90's and Wilford Brown.
So here were the totals up through January 11 - 5 PM CST.

50's - 2
60's - 7
70's - 6
80's - 6

C.M. Ward 13
Dan Betzer 11

So, if you already voted before, you were counted here.
Democrats please understand ... okay Ernie?

Conversation with Brother Mac January 11, 2008

I spoke again with Bro Mac today and he is in great spirit.
Here is his medical run down:
He will go in to the doctor and take 2 tests next Wednesday, (January 16)
1. Bone Density Test
2. Cat Scan

His PSA reading was higher than it should be, but he is taking medication and feeling well today.
Please pray with us for a real miracle. The doctors believe that the prostate cancer has gone into his bladder. We are asking God to show the doctors signs of remission or a complete clean bill of health.

In case you haven't seen the CBC alumni web page and newsletter, check out

And thanks for taking our poll. I must apologize to members of RT in the 90's and members who sang while Wilford Brown was the RT Speaker. You were inadvertently left our of our poll. Bro Mac filled me in today and we will correct that soon. FYI: Bro Mac started directing the choir in 1952 and retired in 1993.

We still want your stories and pictures. I will update these posts with your comments and articles ASAP. Your pictures will have to be sent through our e-mail address.

Thanks so much for helping us collect this information!

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Confessions of Gaylan Grant

Summer Tour 1971 - somewhere in Montana.
Four guys are in the pastor's office changing clothes and getting ready for the evening service. There's a Life magazine laying on the coffee table. Inside is a picture of a young Richard Nixon playing the violin.

The talk turns to 'wouldn't it be funny if that picture turned up in Bro. Mac's music while he's directing?' LOL Why don't we do it?

Two of the four assume responsibility for distracting Bro. Mac and getting the picture into an appropriate place in the music.

Later that evening, the choir is singing "Land without Tears". Coming into the final coda, that grand ending for which Bro. Mac is famous, the choir is singing, "In-to a land, with-out (Bro. Mac turns the page and what do you think he sees?)tears!

Some of us could hardly contain ourselves for the absolute look of consternation that was upon his face!

Needless to say there was a 'sermon without song' on the bus the next morning.

Oh, did I mention who the four were? Of course not. I have to protect the memories and the legacy of Dwight, Donnie, Steve, and Gaylan.

Okay - I'll Start. ....Somewhere in Kansas?

I think it was somewhere in Kansas. We arrived at the host church very close to the start of the service time. The set up crew had completed getting the risers and P.A. up and running in record time.

During this time, some of the choir members were trying to get dressed in the church facilities - there were never big enough restrooms for all of us!

Then Bro Mac called a warm up on the risers. We hurried to the risers and ran through portions of "The Sermon in Song". The church people were already arriving and some of them took a seat to listen in to our last minute rehearsal.

After the last note was sung, Bro Mac dismissed us for last minute preparations. As Joan (Fava) Brimmer stepped from the riser, her heal came off of her shoe.

There it was ... right there on the floor, a broken heal. Joan was hobbling, now carrying the broken shoe in her hand.

Someone had to do it. I picked up the detached heal and something struck me. (I don't think it was the spirit of C.M. Ward.)

I took the shoe from Joan, held the 2 pieces together and said out loud

No, it didn't work. And yes, Bro Mac was NOT happy.
After all the auditorium was NOT empty, we had an audience.
Yes, people were there to hear this sac-religious act.

And no one got healed that night - no one asked me to pray for them.
(I did sell a few pictures. The Natural -Fake Wood Border version.)

You know the rest of the story.
On the bus the next morning - all of us heard the "Sermon on the Bus."