Monday, April 27, 2009

RT 911 - Pray for Brother Mac!

I just received word through Kasi Jones about Brother Mac. I called and talked with both Brother and Sister McLellan. He is not doing well. The doctors do not know what else to do. Hospice has been notified. It is time to ask God for a supernatural miracle for Brother Mac! Please be in prayer for him. We will keep you posted as to any updates. His voice is weak but his spirit is still strong. And our God is ABLE.

God ... We ask you to touch Brother Mac and perform a creative miracle in his life. We have all experienced your healing power and we know that YOU are the creator. We ask in the name above every name, the name of JESUS for his complete healing. We ask for a new report, one with your signature attached. It was with your blood we were redeemed and by your stripes we are healed. We claim that for Brother Mac. Amen


The McLellans address is
256 E. Bethany Drive
Springfield, MO 65803
(I'm sure that your cards and letters would really be appreciated.)

April Update

Hi everyone!

I've volunteered to help Tom and George coordinate the RT Alumni Reunion in Orlando. George has reserved a room for the reunion at the Rosen Centre Hotel from 3-6 p.m. on Monday, August 3.

How many of you out there are planning to be at the event?

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

Kasi (Pierce) Jones
Organist 1975-1978