Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Can you Identify the Church & the Year?

Another picture from the Grant Family photo album.
I think that I see Randy Collins bad fro in the back middle
and is that Debbie (Clay) Palmer on row 2, right side?
Could that be Ron Pitts on the last row, 2nd from the right?
Inquiring minds want to know.
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Who are these RT Girls?

This picture comes from the collection of
Gaylan & Bev Grant. Do you recognize these
young ladies? Are they choir members or
choir prospects that Brother Mac just talked to?
(We may have to get the answer from Gaylan.)

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Susie Parks Votes for an RT Reunion

I really would love to be able to attend a reunion of just Revivaltime members, whether at General Council or some other time and location. Please keep me informed of the progress of planning for this event. I was in
RT from 1964-1969. (That's where I met my husband. Imagine that!) Mark Thallander introduced me to your blog. I will stay tuned. I love reading about all our adventures in RT.

Carolyn "Susie" Parks Miller

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

RT Reunion August 2009?

We are currently discussing and preparing the potential details of an RT Reunion at the next General Council in Orlando, Florida. (August 2009.)

Current Thoughts/Plans Include:
1. Meet at a Hotel near GC after service - NOT in conflict with CBC Reunion.
(Our thanks to George & Cheryl Cope for doing the leg work in Orlando.)

2. Have disposable cameras and recorders at each table for us to hear your stories and get updates on what is happening in your lives.

3. This event is NOT a concert. We want to have the time to see and talk to our RT friends.

4. We want Brother Mac to be able to answer questions from the choir.
Maybe even play his violin for us. PA needed. We plan to record it. Video would be even better!

5. Most likely this will be a ticketed event. FYI: CBC is NOT sponsoring this. We will do our best to keep the cost at a minimum.

6. We would like to introduce every choir member and where they live. Via video would be wonderful! Maybe we can Skype this for people who can't attend?

7. We would like to gather the names of the choir members from each album. We plan to have a copy of the albums and a sign up sheet by each one.

8. We may get some of our keyboard people to help and we'll sing a few favorites from the past.
Look out Bill Gaither - RT Homecoming is about to record!
Where are Brother Beem and Lee Shultz when you need them?

Your thoughts and suggestions are needed.
We really need to know if this idea will fly.

So, send in your cards and letters to PO Box 70 Springfield, Missouri.
NO, don't do that - Try this blog or send it to:

Whew - Lots to do and just 14 months to get it all done!

How about some MP3 RT Music?

Ben Wilson of Salem Oregon is an on-going RT fan. He wrote to our blog - see "Older Posts" and shared that he has the ability to make RT songs into MP3 music. If you are interested contact Ben at

In the old post we did not give his e-mail address accurately. Sorry for the confusion!

"Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind."

Okay, I know some of you don't even get the connection with the title.
FYI: It comes from an old Lettermen song.

Do You Remember?
- When Jim Boehner replaced Brother Mac's violin with a broken one?
Earl Thorton does! Earl & Joy currently live in Joliet, Illinois

- When the choir could not complete the song "It Is Well with My Soul" during a chapel service at CBC? It seems the soloist fainted during her solo.
Brother Mac Recalls. He and Sister Mac/Beth live in Maranatha Village

- When they stuffed Brother Mac into the luggage compartment on tour?
Cheryl (West) Cope was there. Cheryl & George live in Orlando, Florida

So what do you remember?
Send in your stories via the comment bar below.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June Update on Brother Mac

Brother Mac is currently right in the middle of a violin lesson.
Wouldn't you love to have your grand kids taking lessons from Brother Mac?
Maybe we could make lessons available via the internet?
How about it Mark, Marty, Dawn, Kasi, Dave, & Leilani ... could we add Piano & Organ lessons too?

Back to reality, Bro Mac informed me that he is doing pretty well. He does have a swollen right leg and he is going through some therapy to control the swelling. He wears a special radiant sock to help too. I'm sure he will tell us that it helps him to "Radiate the Gospel".

Let's keep praying for Brother Mac. (His health and his humor.)

Wardrobe Malfunction

RT rehearsal around 1952, as told by Dawn Crabtree:

On this particular day, there was a whole lot of commotion happening in the risers, much to the dismay of our director. The problem? - Brother Mac had a wardrobe malfunction! And no one would dare tell him, the choir just snickered throughout the rehearsal. Until finally, Ross Weise took him out of the room, and explained the problem to Brother Mac. Returning red faced, the director returned with everything back to normal.

Somethings never change!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Please Note: Denise Powers should be Denise Power.
Denise - I am so sorry for the mispelling of your name.
The blog allows no editing after voting begins.

Denise - Where are you?
Are you traveling and singing?
How about an update?
Inquiring minds want to know.