Monday, May 25, 2009

Faith Heroe Graduates!

I have many people who have influenced my life. I am thankful to God for each one.

But today, I want to thank God for allowing me the priviledge of being a tenor in Revivaltime Choir. We were all so blessed to be able to minister while we were in Central Bible College. RT made that happen and Brother Cyril McLellan was always at the helm. He has just passed away - funeral to be held on Tuesday, May 27th at 11:00 AM. Jan & I just arrived in Springfield today (Monday) to be able to attend.

His style of ministry and desire to glorify God came through every arrangement and every broadcast. RT was heard on over 600 ABC radio stations - "Across the Nation and Around the World" (that is just one of the sound bites by narrator Lee Shultz.)

There are over 800 choir members around the world who were influenced by Brother Mac. He made serving God fun while letting us know that quality was never to be sacrificed.

We know that thousands of lives were being changed at that long, long altar. At every concert and every broadcast we were always instructed that eternity was in the balance. And there was always Room at the Cross for another broken heart to be healed, another life to be forgiven.

And while all of that was going on over the radio waves, God was placing part of Brother Mac's heart into each of ours.

Cyril McLellan, "Brother Mac" always loved always remembered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will a dvd of Bro. Mac's service be made available?