Friday, January 4, 2008

The Confessions of Gaylan Grant

Summer Tour 1971 - somewhere in Montana.
Four guys are in the pastor's office changing clothes and getting ready for the evening service. There's a Life magazine laying on the coffee table. Inside is a picture of a young Richard Nixon playing the violin.

The talk turns to 'wouldn't it be funny if that picture turned up in Bro. Mac's music while he's directing?' LOL Why don't we do it?

Two of the four assume responsibility for distracting Bro. Mac and getting the picture into an appropriate place in the music.

Later that evening, the choir is singing "Land without Tears". Coming into the final coda, that grand ending for which Bro. Mac is famous, the choir is singing, "In-to a land, with-out (Bro. Mac turns the page and what do you think he sees?)tears!

Some of us could hardly contain ourselves for the absolute look of consternation that was upon his face!

Needless to say there was a 'sermon without song' on the bus the next morning.

Oh, did I mention who the four were? Of course not. I have to protect the memories and the legacy of Dwight, Donnie, Steve, and Gaylan.

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