Tuesday, January 22, 2008

News from Herb & Eve Peak

Hello Tom and Jan,

Herb found your site through the CBC Alumni Newsletter and sent it to me. I was going to go to through the blog to post my comments but decided I needed to do that on our home computer …I still need my job. I saw your email address when I went to the revivaltimememoriesblog so thought I would send our hi via your email. We had not heard about Cyril’s illness so I was checking for an update on that.

We have been in Tennessee since 1991 ….long time! We pastored the A/G church for almost six years. During that time we purchased a Baldwin dealership here in town from a sweet gentleman who wanted to retire. We thought it would make us a good “retirement” sideline, but after 9-11, the economy taking a nosedive, we had to shut it down which took a great toll on us in many ways. Mostly financially. During that time we resigned our church after a time of burnout and Herb some major health issues. In 2000 we spent a year at the A/G church in Manteo, NC, over the bridge from Nags Head . One of our SC pastor friends is there. Herb helped renovate their sound system, worked with their music, etc. We would have stayed on but living on the beach was quite expensive along with the fact our children were still in Bristol. At this point of our life we wanted to be where they were, if God was pleased with that.

We came back to Bristol in July of 2001 and after a long chain of events, a story much to long to unfold, we are now pastors of a Christian Church that for the 25 years prior to us has had an A/G pastor; he also married us in ’69. If you can follow this ….that pastor also was pastor of Glad Tidings when Herb’s family moved here in the mid-60’s. So, to say the least it was ironic to come back to the church Herb ‘s parents were/are members.

Our church, you can check out the Website, http://www.firstchristianchurchofbristol.org/
It pulled out from the Disciples of Christ some years ago, is very eclectic in attendance, still holds to some traditional structure such as communion every Sunday but we have come to enjoy that part of the service. The pastor before us was a bit more “traditional” so we’ve taken the church some steps forward in more open worship, of course with some challenges but also with great acceptance.

Our three sons found Bristol girls who between them all have given us three grandsons (10, 8 and 5) and almost two years ago our first granddaughter. Scott is 36, Marketing President for the Wachovia bank here, Todd works for a private local business as well as serves as Herb’s associate/worship leader, whatever dad needs. And, Christopher is in management with Pepsi. We are thankful the boys have been able to be with us and share in our ministry.

It is nice to know other people enjoy “looking back” through roads traveled. I thought I might be the lone ranger on that one, or it came with getting ready to turn 60 …..ugh.

Blessings to you all.

Evelyn and Herb

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