Thursday, January 17, 2008

E-Mail from Mrs Larry Nowicki

Trust you received the 76/77 Revivaltime choir photo we sent. Now that I have a moment to breathe, I'll tell you being in RT was a great and very memorable experience.

A funny thing happened on the way to Texas during our tour. Traveling through the state of Oklahoma, I made the comment, "People actually have to LIVE here?" We laughed and laughed, but I guess the real joke was on me, when several years later my husband and I were prompted to move to the Tulsa area. We've been here since '91, and have no plans to leave any time soon. Thanks, Bro. Mac for introducing me to a land where the Lord would later lead me into...funny how some things turn out!
Mrs Larry Nowiki RT 1976-1977
WHO IS MRS LARRY NOWICKI? That is the $24,000 question.

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