This photo was sent in by Mrs Larry Nowiki.
Here's what Kasi Pierce remembers:
4th Row L-R: Steve Baker, ??, Roger Griepp, Byron Simar, Don Jonker, Jim Lyman, Bob Novak, Jay Dickerson, Rick Serbin
3rd Row L-R: Steve O’Brien, Jim Steffens, ??, Larry Scalfri, Phil Duncan, Roger Call, Maury Stout, Ron Crawford, Greg Tucker, Alan Henderson
2nd Row L-R: Joy Chasteen, Hannah Breithaupt, Cindy Neer, Sue Lehmann, ??, Sharon McGee, Beth??, Brenda Nowicki, ??
FRONT Row L-R: Bro. Mac, Debbie??, Esther??, Kasi Pierce (ME!!), Judy Flathers, ??, SueAnn??, Rhonda??, Laurie Collins, Gayle Massaro
Okay, we need your help! who can help us with the ?? people?
(Ladies please share your maiden name too - Thanks.)
And keep those cards and letters coming in! We want the picture of your choir too!
There's Room On This Blog For YOU!
I can name most of them!! Do I win a prize??
Here's what I remember:
4th Row L-R: Steve Baker, ??, Roger Griepp, Byron Simar, Don Jonker, Jim Lyman, Bob Novak, Jay Dickerson, Rick Serbin
3rd Row L-R: Steve O’Brien, Jim Steffens, ??, Larry Scalfri, Phil Duncan, Roger Call, Maury Stout, Ron Crawford, Greg Tucker, Alan Henderson
2nd Row L-R: Joy Chasteen, Hannah Breithaupt, Cindy Neer, Sue Lehmann, ??, Sharon McGee, Beth??, ??, ??
FRONT Row L-R: Bro. Mac, Debbie??, Esther??, Kasi Pierce (ME!!), Judy Flathers, ??, SueAnn??, Rhonda??, Laurie Collins, Gayle Massaro
And who is Mrs. Larry Nowicki???
Brenda here (hey, and you actually got the last name spelled correctly...Nowicki...and for that you should win a prize) 2nd row...2nd from the right. When I went home for the summer I was invited to tour with the Spurlows and Festival of Praise, a couple weeks ended up being a couple of years, so I never actually returned to CBC or Revivaltime, though I still have very fond memories of my time there, and have run into several old RT members throughout the years. In fact, Sharon McGee and I shared an apartment briefly when I was offered a position at TV-38 in Chicago. But she took off to get married...Hey, Sharon...you out there??? Kasi, I remember you as being very kind and loads of fun to be around...so catch us up on how you are doing since RT days!
Hi! This is Tami (Siovaila) Stevens. I was the RT soloist in 82 and 83. I am honored to be a part of your blog, but I hope you won't mind correcting the spelling of my name. (Don't worry-my husband still can't spell it!) There is an RT group at Facebook.com-maybe you can find more people there and direct them to your blog. Thanks for your efforts to preserve the wonderful memories of Revivaltime...and best wishes finding RT alumni "across the nation and around the world!"
I'm beginning the year by listening to several Revivaltime albums. I cannot tell you how much I miss the choir. The second reunion of the choir in Denver gave me a chance to experience old memories. I rarely missed a broadcast in my early years. My grandmother who was Nazarene introduced me to the music and the preaching of C. M. Ward. This aging Methodist loves the moving of the Holy Spirit in the music that is now available only through the old recordings. I wish headquarters would reissue these in CD format. Let me thank those of you who ministered to so many of us who were not AG and were surely tempted to convert to a church with such a powerful ministry.
The woman in the second row at the very right, is Laurel Milner!
Hi all; This is Gayle Massaro and that is not me in this picture, 1st row or anywhere. I don't know why because I was in the choir but I am not in this photo.
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