Friday, January 11, 2008

Conversation with Brother Mac January 11, 2008

I spoke again with Bro Mac today and he is in great spirit.
Here is his medical run down:
He will go in to the doctor and take 2 tests next Wednesday, (January 16)
1. Bone Density Test
2. Cat Scan

His PSA reading was higher than it should be, but he is taking medication and feeling well today.
Please pray with us for a real miracle. The doctors believe that the prostate cancer has gone into his bladder. We are asking God to show the doctors signs of remission or a complete clean bill of health.

In case you haven't seen the CBC alumni web page and newsletter, check out

And thanks for taking our poll. I must apologize to members of RT in the 90's and members who sang while Wilford Brown was the RT Speaker. You were inadvertently left our of our poll. Bro Mac filled me in today and we will correct that soon. FYI: Bro Mac started directing the choir in 1952 and retired in 1993.

We still want your stories and pictures. I will update these posts with your comments and articles ASAP. Your pictures will have to be sent through our e-mail address.

Thanks so much for helping us collect this information!

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